But First

Abraham Lincoln on February 9, 1864. Library of Congress

The following evidence comes from letters from Lincoln himself and the people who knew him, many of which are available to the public in the Library of Congress.

Lover of Men zeroes in on four different men with whom Lincoln at the very least had close friendships with, but at the most, could have had sexual relationships with. These include his general store coworker Billy Greene; army officer Elmer Ellsworth; Lincoln’s bodyguard David Derickson, and his best friend, Joshua Speed.

However, to be clear, there is no direct physical evidence that Lincoln had sex with men. While some scholars argue that he was gay or bisexual, there are others who disagree.

Of course, Lincoln spent 22 years married to Mary Todd Lincoln, with whom he had four children.

We leave these letters up to your interpretation. Make of them what you will.