4 — Weird Science (1985)

Credit: Universal

We are not here just to tut-tut comedies of old! Weird Science is a movie about two teenagers who created a virtual dream woman using a computer. Lisa, as played by Kelly LeBrock, ends up with superpowers. There are mutant bikers. Bill Paxton transmogrifies into a talking pile of feces. Weird Science is so dumb. It operates on a superficial level of silliness and lowbrow culture.

As Roger Ebert pontificated, though, you have to meet a movie at its level to judge it. In that sense, Weird Science delivers what it sets out to do. Paxton is a delightful jerk. Anthony Michael Hall was in his bag as an awkward teenager. Lisa is ridiculous, but the movie is ridiculous. Weird Science is goofy, and at times crass, but we wouldn’t have it any other way.

It’s one of the wildest John Hughes movies and one of the best.

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