John Belushi Stole Chevy Chase’s Cocaine


Chevy Chase, who was on the show from 1975-76, recalled last year that John Belushi once stole his drugs.

“Back then, the big drug was cocaine,” Chase said on the Club Random With Bill Maher podcast. “Obviously John turned out to be a cokehead but I had a little jar of cocaine with a little spoon that hung from it. Anyway, I had it on the piano of the stage. So I’m just playing the piano, the crowd isn’t in yet, and it’s just sitting. After I played just a little bit, it’s gone. I had no idea how. Obviously I was looking at my hands at the moment that John swooped in and took it. So I immediately said, ‘Belushi, did you take my coke?’ ‘No, what are you talking about?'”

A month later, Chase was invited to dinner at the home of Belushi and his wife — “and I see my little vial empty and washed, just sitting on a shelf by the books.”

Belushi died of a heroin and cocaine overdose in 1982.

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